As shown above the definition of normal is conforming with or adhering to a norm; but what is normal? Arguments can be made that no one is normal because normal is just an opinion and there is no real definition. Others dream and hope to be normal, in which by normal they mean to be like other people. But what does normal truly mean?
The truth is that normal is an opinion. People question the definition of normal because everyone has a different view of what normal truly means. Everyone is different in their own way therefore no one is normal.
I bring this topic up because I dislike when people ask me if I want to be normal. I know what they mean; they're asking me if I want to walk like everyone else. If I would rather be able to walk and be able to see like the population they're comparing me to. I don't want to be compared to a group of people and, no, I do not want to be ‘normal’. My disability and my differences are what makes me ME. I also just strongly dislike the word ‘normal’ because of the mystery of the word. No one is normal because normal is an opinion and everyone is different in their own way.
I prefer the word typical:
Typical-Exhibiting the qualities, traits, or characteristics that identify a kind, class, group, or category
At first glance you may think the word typical is just a synonym of normal. But it's not. Normal is conforming to; typical is just exhibiting the qualities. I'll leave you to compare the two and figure this one out.