Saturday, September 15, 2012

You're Never Too Old To Love A Stuffed Animal

My Special Sign

A little girl
Checking in for surgery
How scared do you think she'll be
She gets her wrist band
And they ask if her doggy would like one too
Of course, the answer is yes
And they're led to a place where the waiting is less
All the tests are done
And her and her doggy are waiting to be taken away
The last thing she sees
Before falling asleep
Is a stuffed doggy
White with red and pink hearts on him
This little girl is me
So you see
This doggy is mine
And is sign
Of what I've been through

By: Valerie Crisci

P.S. I do not want you to feel sorry for me or think I am complaining. All I want to do through this blog is try to share my story. I am very aware that lots of people have it worse than I do and I pray for those people all the time.
On a different note, please tell me how you think my poem sounds. Thank you all for reading my blog posts and letting me tell my story. :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Shoe Doesn't Fit

Do any of my followers where AFO's (leg braces)? If you do then you know how hard it is to find a new pair of shoes. You want something stylish that also fits your braces. Well, I've been searching for this new pair of shoes for almost 2 months.
I went everywhere. I fell in love with a whole lot of different shoes. There was only one problem: none of the shoes I liked (or any shoe for that matter) fit over my braces. I finally got to a point where I just tried on shoes without my braces on. Nothing even worked then because the shoes wouldn't go on my "dead" feet.
It was an adventure but today was the day when I finally found two new pairs of shoes. One pair to wear with my braces on and one pair to wear without my braces.
So, I hope this prepares you for the long road ahead when trying to find a new pair of shoes. It's going to at least take you two months to find the perfect pair. The pair that fits over your braces and are stylish. By the way, I strongly advise that you do not take the pair of shoes that the person who makes your braces recommends! I tried those ones once and they're hideous!!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Chair Is My Legs

Have you ever gotten a ride with someone who didn't know how to handle your wheelchair so they shove it into their car like it's a piece of scrap metal? Then when you get out of the car and back into your wheelchair something's broken or loose? Well, this blog post is for those of you who treat our wheelchairs like pieces of scrap metal.
Our wheelchairs are like your legs. Legs help you get from point A to point B. Wheelchairs help us do the same. The only difference is that your legs are made of flesh and our chairs are made of metal.
Because they're made of metal you probably think they're indestructible, but our chairs are far from indestructible. When you are handling a wheelchair imagine that you are handling legs. Would you shove, toss and throw someones legs? No, because they would break! Same with wheelchairs, walkers, canes and crutches.
So, please treat our equipment gently and kindly because we need them to walk and get around. Please!!