Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Chair Is My Legs

Have you ever gotten a ride with someone who didn't know how to handle your wheelchair so they shove it into their car like it's a piece of scrap metal? Then when you get out of the car and back into your wheelchair something's broken or loose? Well, this blog post is for those of you who treat our wheelchairs like pieces of scrap metal.
Our wheelchairs are like your legs. Legs help you get from point A to point B. Wheelchairs help us do the same. The only difference is that your legs are made of flesh and our chairs are made of metal.
Because they're made of metal you probably think they're indestructible, but our chairs are far from indestructible. When you are handling a wheelchair imagine that you are handling legs. Would you shove, toss and throw someones legs? No, because they would break! Same with wheelchairs, walkers, canes and crutches.
So, please treat our equipment gently and kindly because we need them to walk and get around. Please!!

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