Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Body Doesn't Make Sense!! Ugh!

I'm confused.  So very confused.  
     I've been having some problems breathing so I went to see the pumanologist (lung doctor).  She told me that my ventilation is 40% of a typical persons ventilation, which is not good.  She also ordered a sleep study because I've been exhausted all the time and she wanted to see if this is cause from the way I breathe when I sleep.  She seemed very confident that I would need BiPAP at night.  Which brings me to my point. 
     Last night I had my sleep study and this morning they kicked us out saying that my sats were good all night and there was no need for BiPAP or supplemental oxygen.  Thatsv good right?  Wrong.  I'm confused.  So very confused because how is it possible that my ventilation is 40% when I'm awake but everything is fine and dandy when I'm asleep.  It just doesn't make sense.  But, then again, when has my body ever made sense.  

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