Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I Love my Life the Way It Is

During passing period at school today, I heard this guy behind me say, "if I was in a wheelchair I think I'd kill my self".  If you were in a wheelchair I would hope you'd suck it up and learn how to do things and play wheelchair sports or something.  The reality of my life-using a wheelchair and all-is that I can do everything you can do, just in a different way.  Sometimes it takes me longer, sometimes I need to approach a task differently but I always end up succeeding eventually. 
     I don't even really know why that boy said if he was in a wheelchair he'd kill himself.  I only assume that it's because he doesn't understand.  Doesn't understand that people who use wheelchairs can do everything abled-bodied people can do.  I love my life the way it is.  I love myself the way I am.  That's all you have to do; believe in yourself. 

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