Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Little Home Sick

The days our starting to get long.  Honestly, I want to go home, and mostly I want to bring Cleo home.  I'm having fun but, I'm far from home.  I know this is one of the best opportunities, though, so I definitely do not regret making this decision!  This will be one of the best things for me. 
       Today, we went to a beautiful garden that was hard to pay attention to for the sake of our partner.  We told our dogs to "touch" the accessible door button.  Then we did a "go pay".  Cleo and I got a little hung up on the "go pay".  We had to be guided through steps of relearning retrieval because Cleo had decided that she wasn't up for working on Tuesdays.  There was one part of the day where I had to assert my dominance by dragging her tired body behind me for a few feet.  I am still her mom though, and as far as I can tell we love each other dearly.  Just had to show a little tough love. 
       I often wonder what I would want to do if I had a day without my disability.  One thing I would want is to jump in the shower and I'm not so sure Cleo could help me with that.  Another solo ability I would want is to walk somewhere on my own; Cleo could help me with that.  So many possibilities…
       More to come!

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