Sunday, June 5, 2016

Progress Made

Today we made a lot of progress.  When we arrived at training my girl was tied to my power chair.  At the beginning she treated me just as she had last night; like I was a stranger.  The founder of CPL made a good point: the puppies are born from their mommy's and living with their litter mates.  Then at eight weeks they are plucked away from their mom and siblings into a puppy homes, then after a year they are plucked from the puppy home into the kennel, and then they are plucked from training and matched with their partner.  So, of course I'm a stranger to Cleo!
       Then after lunch I got a hold of treats and got all kinds of attention!  Commands were being followed and then she "did her business" on command, which apparently is a major accomplishment. Granted, I ran over a different dog's poop and we had to clean my tire off.  I smelt it but I didn't know I had run over anything!
       A goal I would like to reach is to walk on a sidewalk without worry of falling off a curb.  A fear of mine is not being able to graduate from CPL because I've heard that that has happened before, but I believe that since so much progress has been made that will not happen.  I will graduate and Cleo will help me so much in my next steps of life!

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