The elderly love me.
"You're so beautiful", they say. I say "thank you" and then wonder why I always get told the same thing from the same group of people. Why is it always the grandmas who notice my beauty and the grandpas who joke about me inviting them to my wedding?
My great grandma's most recent husband always asked me if I had gotten married yet. At the end he had dementia and it didn't matter if we'd seen each other just weeks prior, our conversation would always be the same. He would take my hands and ask, "You haven't gotten married yet, have you?"
"No, not yet." I would say.
"You'll make sure to tell me when you do, okay?"
"I will." He is no longer around but I will have to let him know when I get married. I am sure he will already see.
A few days ago there was a 93 year old women getting her hair done while I was getting a manicure. She said repeatedly that I was a beautiful girl and on her way out of the shop she came to me and said, "You are a very beautiful girl."
"Thank you.", I said.
It is not that I don't think I'm beautiful, or that I don't think I'm goiñg to get married. It is merely the curiosity of why the majority of people who point out my beauty are elders.
Children are told to respect their elders because they have experienced all there is. They have developed a wisdom all their own. Maybe they see in my eyes the experience of someone who is far too wise for her age. But, whatever is seen in the depths of my soul, being called beautiful is a compliment I will always appreciate.
"You're so beautiful.", they say. I say, "thank you" and wonder if they can see my soul through the window.