The closer I can get a piece of work to my face the better. Oh, but if you write in pencil it is too light for my eye to see, and cursive it is a no-no for letters are too close and connected. It must be big, as well. You know what, let's just stay away from paper!
So you think a lap top might work, I think not. Although the screen is bigger compared to a tablet or iPad, everything on the screen is smaller because of how much open space all the icons have. Also, I am not able to get laptops and desktops as close to my face as necessary for optimum viewing.
I know, I know. I see in so many different ways, with far things being colorful shapes and close things being clear as long as they are presented to me in the right way. It is confusing and it's even hard to explain. I am not asking that you understand, I am merely making you aware in case we ever happen to cross paths.
Everyone sees differently, I just happened to be legally blind.
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