Thursday, August 29, 2013

You're Never Alone

You haven't felt anything until you've felt God's presence.  
     There's a story I'd like to tell you.  A couple years ago, on a Sunday, I was at church and I had to use the bathroom.  When I got to the bathroom, I looked and none of the stalls were accessible so my Nana (grandma) came to help me.  Once I was settled, I just couldn't go.  There was a lot of people in there and I guess you could say I have stage fright.  So, I stopped trying and my Nana helped me out.  But all this isn't the point.  The point is that after I started crying hysterically so my Nana got my great aunt and they started praying over me.  In seconds I went from crying hysterically to being calm.  
     It was the most amazing feeling ever!  I felt God's presence in the room.  I felt peace flooding my body.  
     I always want you to take something away when you read my blogs.  Today I guess I'm trying to say you're never alone.  God is always with you.  He's always there to comfort, to calm, to help. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

God Doesn't Give You More Than He Can Handle

Lately I've been hearing people say that "God doesn't give you more than you can handle" and I don't think that's true.  You see, I think God gives you more than  you can handle all on your own.  Yes, you might have your family and friends to support you and that's wonderful but that's not what I mean.  God doesn't give you more than He can handle because He can handle anything, and He wants you to find comfort, peace, strength and courage through Him. 
     I think people like the phrase "God doesn't give you more than you can handle" because it makes you feel good and like you can handle whatever you're  going through.  There's nothing wrong with that but God doesn't want you to handle it on your own.  He wants you too find strength in Him.  He will walk by you and hold your hand hand.  

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Friends, Family, Blessed <3

Friends.  I don't have a lot, but I have the good ones, the keepers.  I have the friends that I can just sit with and talk to for hours.  I have the friends that I can go crazy with.  I have friends that are comfortable talking about my disability and are comfortable with helping me.  I have friends that I can be me around.  I don't have a lot but I have enough. :)
     Family.  I have a dad that will put doors in walls and wheelchair lifts by the door.  I have a dad that will spend nights in the hospital with me.  That will make bathroom doors wider and almost punch teachers for me.  I have a mom that will fight the school district for me.  A mom that will always do and fight for the right things for me.  I have aunts that I can tell anything to.  Aunts that will pray for me.  Aunts that love me.  I have uncles that make me laugh and smile whenever I see them.  
     Sometimes it may seem that my life sucks and that nothing will ever let up.  But than I remember my support system, my friends and family and I know that God blessed me with people that love and care about me.  I love and care about you too!  I Love my family and friends!