Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Intersecting People

Have you ever wondered why you know the people that you know?  Why your life paths intersected and you met?  I tend to believe that God set it up that way and certain people are part of your trials and tribulations, while others are set in place to help you along.  This year I have met quite a few people that are here to help me along.
       There was this day a few weeks ago when I got home from school.  When I entered the side gate that leads to my access point of the house, I dropped my iPad.  There was this man that was getting ready to leave my dead-end coldasac of a street; I asked him to help me pick up my iPad.  Instead of leaving like he so easily could have, he got up and helped me.
        There is someone in my life who goes above and beyond to help anyone.  When I cry, she cries.  When I'm in pain, she worries.  She is the sweetest, most kind lady.  She cares for me like my mother cares for her children.
        And then there is… my mom, my dad, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, my teachers.  There are the people who have crossed my life intersection.  What about your people?  Even if it's that one guy who helped you out that one time…

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Ugly Beast Shall Not Defeat

Larry left with some of my cerebellum. 
There could be more Larrys to come. 
My optic nerve atrophy along with Larry and my physical - whatever? - is most likely all related to some cerebellum ataxia. 
But that, is not the ugly beast. 
The ugly beast is proggression - as in, progressively getting worse. 
The ugly beast is not knowing where, when, or how it will attack. 
The ugly beast does not care, if it is interrupting life affairs. 
The point is: 
The beast strikes without thought,
and cares not. 
All I can do is live my life,
with love and not strife. 
Try to not let it spoil any of what is to come,
and enjoy the future knowing who it came from!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Last Days Are Violent

Look around. 
What do you see?
The world is going crazy!
Why can't we seem to make peace?

Shootings, stabbings, and terrorist attacks
Are on the news twenty-four seven. 
We can not seem to pack up our differences,
So innocent people must end up in heaven. 

They say these are the last days,
And I can not seem to disagree in any way. 
With all the violence, and not enough peace;
Do you see a way to argue with me?

I will continue to pray,
For you and your family,
As this does not seem to be going away, 
Anytime soon. 

What a shame. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Senior going on Freshman

I am currently losing myself in my thoughts, which can be good, but at this moment is not. I am lost in the future. Time is moving far too quickly; it seems like yesterday is gone and tomorrow is today. I can't catch up. 
       Senior year and graduation is coming closer and closer. It lurks around the bend, but before the joy and relief of that can sink in we are assaulted by the fear and stress of applying to college… and pretty much everything else related to college. We are becoming adults. Our lives are beginning. 
        With every word I write a weight lifts from my shoulders. I am happy and relieved to graduate. I am sad and fearful to leave my friends and start anew. New opportunities are bound to come and all of this must happen.