Friday, December 27, 2013

People First

This blog has become my diary, but that was not the original plan.  The original plan was to have a detached blog about how to treat people who have disabilities, but I'm not good at detaching myself and people seem to like my thoughts and experiences.  It's still about how to treat people with disabilities; treat us like typical people because that's what we are.  Human beings.  
     There are about 1,093 people who have read my blog.  A lot of you are new and some of you have been reading for a while now, but what I hope you've all done is read every single one of my posts.  What I hope you've all seen is that I'm a person with feelings, struggles and beliefs.  I'm not a 'wheelchair person' or a 'disabled person'   I am a PERSON WHO HAS A DISABILITY.  
     No matter what kind of disability a person might have, wether it be physical or cognitive (mental), we are still people.  This is why when you are describing a person who has a disability in a sentence you should always put the person before the disability to portray that we are people and that we are NOT are disability.  There is more to a person than just their disability.  You can see that in my blog.  There is more to me than just my disability.  
     So, don't talk to us like we're baby's.  Don't shout at us like we can't hear you or understand you.  Don't help us before asking.  And ALWAYS put the person first!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Love; Holiday Spirit

I love Christmas!  Not for the presents, though.  I love it for the FAMILY LOVE.  
     My brothers ex-girlfriend once asked me, "If no one gave presents on Christmas would it still be your favorite holiday?"  The answer is "yes" because although the presents are fun to give and receive, I more so love the family time.  As crazy or as loud as we might be, I love seeing us talk and laugh.  I love seeing and feeling the support, kindness and love. 
     I know that I'm more blessed than some people with my family, but there is someone who loves you.  Wether your family is really disfunctional or not; wether it's few people or a huge family there is always someone who loves you.  God is also always loving and always there for you. 
     Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!