Saturday, June 18, 2016

First Fur Baby

I stole mom's iPad so I could let you all know how I'm doing.  Trying to bond with her, I'm sure seemed fairly quick and easy to her, but was a little difficult.  I miss Meg, my trainer.  I !ove my mom to death now, though!
       I guess I wake her up too early in the morning.  My potty schedule is the same as at CPL.  I don't know why they are trying to brake me of it. 
       They put a heavier buckle on my cape and I don't really like it.  I put up with her putting it on me though because it makes her happy to be able to take care of me on her own.  We went to play time today and ran around with my sister and friends.  I had so much fun!  Mom remembered to potty me before we went into Red Robin.  She gets excited over little, weird things like that.  I'm her first fur baby.  She's doing a pretty great job.  In return I help her out. 
       Getting ready to start a new adventure with my mom!

1 comment:

  1. Smart puppy - able to type. Loved Cleo's perspective


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