Thursday, February 5, 2015

Larry Needs To Go

       I named it Larry, Larry the lesion.  Larry resides in my midbrain and is uninvited.  He causes headaches, dizziness, and a "pain in my butt".  This lesion that I got tired of calling a lesion so I named it Larry, needs to go away and take whatever damage it may have caused with it.  I pray for healing and pain relief from the Almighty Doctor of the Heavens and Earth!
        My mother and father hate the added stresses that Larry brings.  They hate seeing their daughter sick.  So, again, I pray that You take away all the chest tightening feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, and fear.  I pray that, instead, we feel the love behind the dozens of prayers being sent up for us every day; I thank You for this love and these prayers, too.  Thank You for Your love and presence, as well. 

       I prayed a prayer last night.  I asked that my brain would be healed and today would be better a day.  I thank You for answering my prayer!  Today was a better day; the pain was less!  I pray that the days continue to get better and that Larry the lesion gets evicted from his residence. 
In your sons name,
Jesus Christ,
I pray,

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